We went to Berlin in the last week of 2014 and it turned out to be the perfect city trip: snow on the first day, the most amazing museum experience for me (Pergamon Museum), and a relaxed stroll-around for three days. The second day, our German friends arrived and they guided us through the city with expert information on all spots we visited. A special mention must go the Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer (Berlin Wall memorial), a place that leaves you silent and depressed, really.
When we came back, I quickly wanted to put some first pictures on Facebook. Just to give a first overview of what we had experienced, I picked out a few unedited pictures. Looking back on this selection, I feel that it really captures our trip very well, although it’s obviously an incomplete overview. I present these pictures here as a picture blogpost. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
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Snow the first day (@ Tacheles)Bode Museum (@Museuminsel)Lamassu (@Pergamon Museum)Milete Agora (@ Pergamon Museum)Detail of door (@ Pergamon Museum)Ishtar Gate (@ Pergamon Museum)FernsehturmBerliner DomIntruder… (street art)Ampelmann, Berlin’s famous pedestrian signal.Berliner Currywurst!The end of a Christmas marketBerlin! (@ East Side Gallery)@ East Side GalleryYellow Man Mural (Kreuzberg)Checkpoint CharlieGlühwein! 🙂Krakauer! (giant sausage and really yummy)Neue Synagoge (personal favourite building in Berlin)The sad truth…Ampelmann store (@ Hackesche Höfe)Haus SchwarzenbergReichstagUs @ Brandenburger GateEntering the Holocaust Memorial…@ Dunkin’ DonutsUnter Den LindenFeuerzangenbowle: the perfect alternative to Glühwein!Beautiful street tile…Febe’s favourite part of Berlin: the untergroundRats by Belgian street artist ROASomebody dug a tunnel here (underneath the wall) (@ Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer)Somebody died here while trying to cross the wall (@ Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer)Teaching Febe about the wall. (@ Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer)Part of the original wall. Sad history. (@ Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer)More street art by Belgian artist ROAMural near Bethanien (Kreuzberg)A lesser known UNESCO world heritage siteSnowy fun @ PotsdamChinese Tea House @ Potsdam