In January 2014 we decided to write down our travel bucket list: a list of all places and experiences we would like to cross out sooner or later.

For the new website we decided to change how we order them. Rather than organising them per continent, we divided them into categories. If you see a hyperlink on one of our items, that means we visited & blogged about it! A date next to it, but no link, means we covered it, but yet have to blog about it! If only one of us has covered a certain item, our name is added between brackets.

So: here we go!

– Visit all 7 continents


– Istanbul (Turkey)
– cities of Andalusia (Spain)
Berlin (Germany) (2014)
– New York (USA)
– Moscow (Russia) (Maarten, 2005)
Stockholm (Sweden) (2018)
– Barcelona (Spain)
– Budapest (Hungary) (Annick, 2007)
– Beijing (China)
Marrakesh (Morocco) (2014)
– Sydney (Australia)
– Prague (Czech Republic)

Wildlife spotting

– Serengeti Safari
– Kruger Park Safari
– Okavango Delta Safari
– Kasiranga Safari
– Yala National Park Safari (2023)
– snorkling in the Indian Ocean (2023)
snorkling in the Red Sea (Annick, 2007)
– snorkling in the Great Barrier Reef
go on a whale watching trip (2016)
– go cage diving with great white shark
great white shark (2016)
– whale shark
– sperm whale (Maarten, 1989)
– killer whale
– kayaking with killer whales
– mountain gorilla
– rhino
brown bear (2018)
– grizzly bear
– polar bear
wolf (Annick, 2005)
– lynx
– wisent
– wolverine
– tiger
– giant panda
– komodo dragon
– tapir
– amazon dolphin
– dugong and/ or manatee
rock hyrax (Israel, 2016, 2018)
monkeys in the wild (Ouzoud falls – 2014)
– okapi
– aardvark
– porcupine
– meerkat (esp. for Febe)

Must-see countries

– Romania
– Bulgaria
– Poland
– Slovakia
– Norway (various dates)
Wales (2016)
– Scotland (Maarten, 1996)
Slovenia (2015)
Croatia (2015)
– National Parcs of the USA
– Jordan
Israel (Annick, 2007 – all 2018)
– Canada
– Mexico
– Australia
– Thailand
– Cambodia
– Uzbekistan
– Japan
– India
– Mongolia
– Nepal
– Tunesia
Egypt (Annick, 1999)
– Ethiopia
– Costa Rica
South Africa (2016)
– Spain: Andalucia
U.K.: the Cotswolds (2016)

Natural sights

– Grand Canyon (USA)
– Mount Fuji (Japan)
– North Cape (Norway)
Antarctica (Maarten, 2006)
– Victoria Falls (Zambia / Zimbabwe)
– Namib desert (Namibia)
– Mount Uluru (Australia)
– Yellowstone National Parc (USA)
– Yosemite National Parc (USA) – hike the Vernal Falls trail
– Monument Valley (USA)
– Fossil hunting in the Burgess Shale (Canada)
– Amazon forest (Brazil)
– Everglades (USA)
– Banff National Parc (Canada)

Historical monuments

– amaze at the wonders of Ancient Greece
– visit Neuschwanstein (Germany)
– see the stone sculputres of Nemrut Dagi (Turkey)
– gaze at the prehistoric cave drawings in Altamira and Lascaux (Spain – France)
visit the temples of Egypt (Annick, 1999)
– visit the pyramids of Egypt
– visit the temples of China
– walk on the Chinese wall
– visit the terracotta army (China)
– visit the Maya temples in Mexico
– gaze at Chan Chan (Peru)
– visit the Taj Mahal (India)
– Visit the black and white temples of Chang Rai (Thailand)
– Stroll around the temples of Bagan (Myanmar)
– “Citytrips to ancient cities”: Jerash (Jordan), Ephesus (Annick,Turkey, 2002), Persepolis (Iran), Petra (Jordan), Baʿalbek (Lebanon), Angkor (Cambodja), Teotihuacan (Mexico), Machu Pichu (Peru), Carthage (Tunisia), Leptis Magna (Libia), Palmyra (Syria – what’s left of it).
– Search for traces of the Hittite and Assyrian civilisations

Island visits

– Japan
– Iceland
– Madagascar
Seychelles (2023)
– New Zealand
– Papoua New Guinea
– Java
– Borneo
– Mauritius
– Hawaï
– Ireland (Maarten, 1995)
– Lofoten
– Orkneys
– St. Lucia
– Dominica
– Galapagos
– La Gomera
– Sri Lanka (2023)


– Go to one of Wagner’s opera’s at Bayreuth opera house (Germany)
– fly in a hot air balloon over Capadocia (Turkey)
– camp out on Iulissat glacier (Greenland)
– go island hopping around the Greek islands (Greece)
– swim in an Alpine lake (Maarten, several dates) (Europe)
– take a Hurtigrutten cruise in Nothern Europe
– see the Norhtern Lights
– take a natural hot bath in Iceland
– climb mount Teide (Tenerife)
– camp out in the desert
– sleep overnight in a Ger (Mongolia)
– go on a walking holiday in the Himalayas
– visit Dmitri Shostakovich’s grave (Moscow)
– go paragliding
– mush a pack of huskeys
– go ice-climbing
make a kayaking trip (Sweden)
– go canyoning (Annick, Turkey 2000)
– go wildwater rafting
– volunteer in a wildlife centre
– go on a cycling holiday
– go on a canalboat holiday
– go on a sailboat holiday
take a long roadtrip with a camper (2022)
– swim with dolphins in the wild
– walk the stretch of Hadrian’s Wall
– stay overnight in Montana Magica Lodge (Huilo Huilo national parc – Chile)
– Hike (at least part of) the Carian Trail (Turkey)
– Walk to Machu Pichu (Peru)